An introduction to Taiwanese culture

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Science Workbook

This is the work book for science. These work books are also commonly used by the teacher to teach since it highlights all the main points of each chapter. These work books are the most commonly used among our books.
This is an example of a chapter's highlight. It has colored pictures and sometimes even has more information than the textbooks.
After each chapter there is a lot of questions. Doing these questions is the best way to prep for exams since the questions are all alike.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Additional Workbooks

These are a series of small books meant to be done everyday. They're all collections of short pieces of writings, the one above is of short stories that has deep meanings. This one is by far the easiest one to work through since it's all modern Chinese. All of these books feature questions after each pieces.
This book is comprised of the things Confucius and his disciples have written. It's all ancient Chinese and we are required to memorize most of them...
This is an example of something Confucius's disciple wrote. Confucius didn't write most of these things, but rather his disciples documented it for him. Most passages, such as this one, contained a story of either a chapter of history or of someone asking Confucius something. Due to it being ancient Chinese, this book also provide translation.
This is an example of something Confucius said. The things he said can be as short as the one above and as long as one full page.
This is a collection of history and gossips collected by 劉義慶. This book shows how the people of that age thinks and how they do things. It is also in ancient Chinese.
This is an example of a passage. The top is the original passage and the bottom is the translation.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Chinese Idioms Workbook

This is a book that we are all required to do. Chinese is full of four character idioms. Many of them are from history and many of them are just weird. There's 31299 of them now and growing! There's all sorts of stories in these idioms, for example,

緣木求魚- A man is searching for fish on a tree. Meaning- Wrong way!

才高八斗- A person is telling is friend that if all the knowledge in the world is divided into ten parts, his friend would have 8, he himself world have 1 and the other one world be the rest of the world.
This is a page from the work book. What we do is that we repeat the characters once. There's tests every week on these...

Friday, May 7, 2010

Chinese Workbook

This is the cover of the work book for Chinese. It's by the same company who also prints the textbooks so, it matches the textbooks. Also like the textbooks, there is one for each semester.

As you can see, it reprints the contents of the articles and adds more explanations about the meanings and pronunciations, though not about the author.

This article is a modern one, so you can see that there are less explanations but more text.

This article is an ancient one. You can see that for every few lines, there will be a huge explanation.

This book is full of questions, about 7 pages for every article!'

As you can see, to make money, most textbooks post commercials on their books to make money... There's a variety of them, I've seen online games, schools, and even instant noodles.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Middle School Chinese Textbooks

This is the cover of the standard text book.
國文 means Chinese and that big 2 means second year. 上 right next to it but it got cut off. It means first semester, there's two of these per year.

Second Picture:
This is what it looks like on the inside. There's chapters of either ancient Chinese or just articles. The teacher won't talk much about the articles, the focus is mainly on the ancient Chinese.

As you can see, there's a picture of the author and then there's a picture of the book the piece came out of. Below each of them is a short history about them.

Third Picture:
This one is one of those articles. When going through these articles, the teacher points out where to look out for for the pronunciation and such.

Bottom Picture:
This is ancient Chinese, though it may look the same to you, it's totally different. In the past, people wrote concisely so to save space. It eventually got so concise that not much people can actually understand it...

Middle School Chinese

As you probably already know, in America we learn English, and in Taiwan, we learn Traditional Chinese. Chinese class is the class with the most periods in a week, going up to eleven 50 mins classes in a forty-four class week. Chinese is also the heaviest subject in exams, it accounts for 29% of your total grade. So what do we learn in Chinese Class? The truth is, no one is really sure.

We read articles, poems, and ancient Chinese in class, we learn the proper pronunciations of characters too old that you can't even type it on the computer anymore, we memorize ancient Chinese poems, and we also memorize definitions for such things as like a toy top and stuff...

So what we actually do in class is read and (more so) memorize stuff. The funny thing is that although that's what we do in class, only about 10% of these things come out on the exams, the other 90% common knowledge.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010