An introduction to Taiwanese culture

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Science Workbook

This is the work book for science. These work books are also commonly used by the teacher to teach since it highlights all the main points of each chapter. These work books are the most commonly used among our books.
This is an example of a chapter's highlight. It has colored pictures and sometimes even has more information than the textbooks.
After each chapter there is a lot of questions. Doing these questions is the best way to prep for exams since the questions are all alike.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Additional Workbooks

These are a series of small books meant to be done everyday. They're all collections of short pieces of writings, the one above is of short stories that has deep meanings. This one is by far the easiest one to work through since it's all modern Chinese. All of these books feature questions after each pieces.
This book is comprised of the things Confucius and his disciples have written. It's all ancient Chinese and we are required to memorize most of them...
This is an example of something Confucius's disciple wrote. Confucius didn't write most of these things, but rather his disciples documented it for him. Most passages, such as this one, contained a story of either a chapter of history or of someone asking Confucius something. Due to it being ancient Chinese, this book also provide translation.
This is an example of something Confucius said. The things he said can be as short as the one above and as long as one full page.
This is a collection of history and gossips collected by 劉義慶. This book shows how the people of that age thinks and how they do things. It is also in ancient Chinese.
This is an example of a passage. The top is the original passage and the bottom is the translation.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Chinese Idioms Workbook

This is a book that we are all required to do. Chinese is full of four character idioms. Many of them are from history and many of them are just weird. There's 31299 of them now and growing! There's all sorts of stories in these idioms, for example,

緣木求魚- A man is searching for fish on a tree. Meaning- Wrong way!

才高八斗- A person is telling is friend that if all the knowledge in the world is divided into ten parts, his friend would have 8, he himself world have 1 and the other one world be the rest of the world.
This is a page from the work book. What we do is that we repeat the characters once. There's tests every week on these...

Friday, May 7, 2010

Chinese Workbook

This is the cover of the work book for Chinese. It's by the same company who also prints the textbooks so, it matches the textbooks. Also like the textbooks, there is one for each semester.

As you can see, it reprints the contents of the articles and adds more explanations about the meanings and pronunciations, though not about the author.

This article is a modern one, so you can see that there are less explanations but more text.

This article is an ancient one. You can see that for every few lines, there will be a huge explanation.

This book is full of questions, about 7 pages for every article!'

As you can see, to make money, most textbooks post commercials on their books to make money... There's a variety of them, I've seen online games, schools, and even instant noodles.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Middle School Chinese Textbooks

This is the cover of the standard text book.
國文 means Chinese and that big 2 means second year. 上 right next to it but it got cut off. It means first semester, there's two of these per year.

Second Picture:
This is what it looks like on the inside. There's chapters of either ancient Chinese or just articles. The teacher won't talk much about the articles, the focus is mainly on the ancient Chinese.

As you can see, there's a picture of the author and then there's a picture of the book the piece came out of. Below each of them is a short history about them.

Third Picture:
This one is one of those articles. When going through these articles, the teacher points out where to look out for for the pronunciation and such.

Bottom Picture:
This is ancient Chinese, though it may look the same to you, it's totally different. In the past, people wrote concisely so to save space. It eventually got so concise that not much people can actually understand it...

Middle School Chinese

As you probably already know, in America we learn English, and in Taiwan, we learn Traditional Chinese. Chinese class is the class with the most periods in a week, going up to eleven 50 mins classes in a forty-four class week. Chinese is also the heaviest subject in exams, it accounts for 29% of your total grade. So what do we learn in Chinese Class? The truth is, no one is really sure.

We read articles, poems, and ancient Chinese in class, we learn the proper pronunciations of characters too old that you can't even type it on the computer anymore, we memorize ancient Chinese poems, and we also memorize definitions for such things as like a toy top and stuff...

So what we actually do in class is read and (more so) memorize stuff. The funny thing is that although that's what we do in class, only about 10% of these things come out on the exams, the other 90% common knowledge.

Monday, May 3, 2010

我讀過最深刻的書-Feed Chinese


我的生命中,我讀過許多的書。我不知道為什麼,自從我年輕的時候,我一直渴望獲得知識,我猜測,可能是家庭因素吧。我全家都是書的愛好者。 我的父母都是教授,他們都真正的喜歡閱讀。當我還是小學生的時候,我的父母與我們兄弟比賽,看誰是第一個讀完哈利波特的人,或是看在一個暑假中我們可以閱讀完多少本書。我想,我父母喜歡閱讀的基因也遺傳給我。 到目前我已經閱讀許多對我而言很重要的書本,例如我讀過的第一本書,使我讀後哭了又哭的書,衝擊我想法的書,當然還有很多。我經常保持十本我最喜歡的書在我臥室床頭的書櫃裡,因而現在要我單單選擇一本影響我最深的書,來做報告實在很難。所以我選自我臥室床頭的書櫃中的一本書,這本書的書名是“Feed” 。
“Feed” 這本書,是我前幾個月剛閱讀完畢的一本科幻小說。 “Feed” 這本書對我的主要影響是,它給了我一個新的世界觀點。作者透過深入的文字描述與劇情安排, 談論到我們這個變化中的世界,到底出了什麼問題。雖然我已經一直都知道這世界已經有許多嚴重的問題,但從來沒有感覺到世界的問題竟然是如此的嚴重,並且是如此的令人感到害怕。
在書本中描述的未來世界中發生了許多重大問題,如低氧氣含量的空氣和沒有得到保護的窮人,相反的,富人卻獲得更多的好處。在未來的世界中,世界已經陷入混亂,而有錢有權的人運用進步的媒體科技,試圖掩蓋世界的真相。一般的人民在這個世界中如同盲人,是“看不到” 世界的真相,他們被媒體瞞騙,他們沒有自主的思考,他們只是照著媒體所說的去做。媒體就像一個牧羊人而人民就像圈內綿羊。他們不能自主的做任何事情,而只是任由媒體擺佈。人們已經淪落到不配稱為“人類”了。
我真的認為,這本書所寫的情況在今後是可能發生的,特別是目前正快速發展中的機器人科技。我們,人類是一群偉大的生物,我們已經發明了輪子,發現了火,也發現或發明許多令生活舒適的工具。但有時候我們的夢想會不會太超過了呢。希特勒夢想統治世界, Wrights兄弟夢想飛翔的人,福特汽車希望出售汽車。但是,實際上這些夢想所產生的卻是大屠殺,飛越倫敦天空的轟炸機,和對生態環境的污染問題,對世界的永續發展正是一大威脅。
多數的夢想是好的,但人類若企圖夢想扮演上帝的角色時,就不對了!人類,像所有的物種都有自己的限制,狗永遠不會飛,貓永遠不會潛水,鯊魚不會走路。這只是事情的本質,人類就不應該為自己的需求而扭曲世界的本質! 這本書使我認識到很多事情,在讀此書之前,生態環境污染的事實,對我而言只是數字,但現在,他們代表了更多的意義。這本書給了我“滅絕和污染”的新定義。這本書感動了我,讓我認識到,要擁有一個更加美好的未來,人類需要學習如何與大自然共存,這本書開啟我對這世界的新觀點。


Over the course of my life, I’ve read many books. Ever since I was little, I have always thirsted for knowledge. I don’t know why, I guess that it just runs in the family. My whole family is book readers. My parents are both professors and they both really love to read. When I was little, my parents would compete with us on who can read Harry Potter first or how much books we can read during the course of the summer. They loved to read, and I guess it got passed on to me.
Through my life, there’ve been a lot of important book to me. The first book I’ve ever read, the book that made me cry and cry right after I read it, the book that made left me in shock, and many on. To pick the book that made the most impact on me is really difficult for me, but from the top ten list is a book that is called “Feed”. “Feed” is a book that I just read a few months ago. The main impact that “Feed” made to me is that it gave me a new view. Through deep ways, “Feed” talks about the changing world and what’s wrong with it. I’ve always knew that the world has serious problems, but never have I felt so much for it.
“Feed” tells the story of a couple of kids in the far away scientific fiction future. Through playful ways, they express the concerns for the real world as it is. The main focus of this book revolves around the dangers of propaganda affecting the whole world. In the book, a device called Feed is invented. Feed is a computer system that is put in the brain that a lot of people have in the future. Because of Feed, schools are no longer for teaching academics but rather for teaching how to use Feed. Feed has made a major influence in the futuristic world. There’s supposed changes like the less need for school and the easier ways to shop around, but there’s also other changes that was not intentional like the lost ability to write and the whole society becoming dumber by the minute.
There are a lot of major problems in the future, like the low oxygen level in the air and the poor not being protected at all while the rich gets a lot more benefits. In the futuristic world, the world has gone into chaos while the rich, with their technologies try to hide the truth from the world. The people in that world are blind from the world. They are blinded by propaganda. They can’t think for themselves, they only do what the propagandas tell them to do. The propaganda is like a shepherd and the people are like domestic sheep. They can’t do anything for them self, but only get pushed around and fattened. That is how low they’ve sunk. A lot of experts all suspect this outcome for the human race. Man will someday build a machine strong enough to take of themselves, making the machine the dominant race. Even though that seems swell, one day it will cause problems, one day.
I was in shock the whole day after reading this book. The main character of this book, called Violet, at the end died because of her Feed malfunctioning and unable to move her body and then even breathe. I really fear this coming true, especially during my lifetime. I really think that it could come to that in the future, especially with the fast development on robotics. We, humans are a great race; we’ve invented the wheel and found fire. But sometimes our visions are just too far out. Hitler dreamed of ruling over the world, the Wrights brothers dreamed of flying, and Ford wanted to sell automobiles. But what has actually came out of these dreams, the Holocaust, bombers flying over the skies of London, terrorizing the civilians of London, and the environmental pollution problem that the world is now faced with. It just shows that if you dreamed too big, nothing good will come out of it. Dreaming is good, but dreaming of playing GOD, imposturous. Mankind, like all species has their limits. Dogs will never fly, cats will never dive, and sharks will never walk. It’s just the nature of things. You just can’t bend nature to your own will!
This book made me realize many things about the world that I’m in. Before, the facts about our environment were just numbers, but now, they’re something more. This book gave me the definition of extinction and pollution. This book moved me and made me realize that a better future is needed for mankind and nature alike. This book opened my eyes to the world.